Facilitation & Training

Performance is grounded in trust and confidence. I develop the confidence of the whole team so they can perform without fear and play the way they’re capable of…to set their talents free and pursue their potential.
— Pete Carroll, head coach of the Seattle Seahawks

Top companies are always striving to engage stronger collaboration techniques and create more effective teams. Partnering with team leaders, Hibiscus Consulting completes assessments and provides individual coaching. For team development, we tailor facilitated team experiential activities and trainings targeted to specific business goals. Following those programs, we facilitate staggered sessions to assist teams in successfully incorporating trust, confidence, and new discoveries within the day-to-day work environment.  

Unlike many coaches and facilitators, Hibiscus’ founder, Shawna Sherman, has years of practical business experience and leading-edge knowledge from the University of Washington’s Executive MBA program to apply towards managing teams and training leaders.

Schedule a no cost introductory call  to learn about Hibiscus’ team development consulting.